Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Famous Chinese Fashion Designer: Guo Pei

She is considered a first-class designer in China. Whenever there is some special event, Chinese celebrities wear her incredible clothes. She designs stunning dresses and other clothing. She has been known to Chinese fashion circles for years. Her career began when she was 19. She won recognition home and abroad. In her clothes, apart from using modern flavors, she always adds some Chinese elements like embroidery. She owns a design company named “Mei Gui Fang”.
We all know that China is considered as the largest manufacturing country on a global scale. For this reason, Chinese designers haven’t been recognized. However, the designers mentioned above have managed to repair the country’s bad reputation regarding its fashion industry. Even if you may not have heard of these names, soon you may be wearing some of their brand clothes. From now on, when you are shopping at the mall, be sure to look for some of these names. It is worth it, or so do fashion critics claim.
Author Bio: Jack has been visiting many times China. He reads a lot about China and loves to share his experience with the readers. Thank to his job at  he has enough time to do that.

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