Thursday, January 30, 2014

Origami Owl founder Bella's Journey

Follow Founder Bella on her journey with Origami Owl. Learn how she started the company and how it became so much more than she could have ever dreamed.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Teen Millionaire: Jewelry Business

January 3, 2014

Teen Millionaire: Jewelry Business Pays Off

Bella Weems started her own company, Origami Owl, because she wanted to buy a car.

出名要趁早: 时尚界的 00后 设计师们


姓名:Melissa Jade Aiello 年龄:13岁 品牌:Tees By Missy X
Melissa Jade Aiello 2001年出生于英国,9岁师从一位纽约老师学习绘画,开始画一些时尚杂志上的超模和偶像:从Karl Lagerfeld到Anna Wintour、Donatella Versace到John Galliano等等。随后她又将这些亲笔绘制的时尚人物印上T恤,成立了个人品牌Tees By Missy X。这位刚刚13岁的小设计师,如今运营着一家T恤公司,她的品牌还获得了Vogue UK的关注和报道。

姓名:Moziah Bridges 年龄:12岁 品牌:Mo&0#39;s Bows
9岁时Moziah Bridges的外婆给他买了人生中第一条领结,从此以后这位小绅士就开始自己设计和缝制领结。采用复古面料的别致领结很快吸引了Moziah家人和朋友的注意。受到鼓励后,Moziah创立了他的个人品牌——Mo&0#39;s Bows。现在,Mo&0#39;s Bows的领结在美国田纳西州、南加州和德克萨斯州以及网络上都能买到。这位11岁小男孩的生意也越做越大了!

姓名:Bella Weems 年龄:17岁 品牌:Origami Owl
14岁那年小女孩Bella Weems告诉父母想要一辆车作为自己16岁的生日礼物,父母却告诉她要自己赚钱买。于是她用兼职做保姆赚的钱买了一些吊饰自己制作成吊坠项链再出售成品。随后创办了Origami Owl网站在上面出售吊坠等配件供网友们做成项链,并提供一个交易成品项链的平台。Bella Weems形容这是一桩“社交网络珠宝销售生意”,福布斯评估说这个生意价值25亿美元。

姓名:Cecilia Cassini 年龄:14岁 品牌:Cecilia Cassini
14岁的加州女孩Cecilia Cassini 4岁时就爱自己裁剪、设计衣服。6岁时她收到了一台缝纫机作为生日礼物。仅仅过了4年,她就已经在洛杉矶的时装展会上展示个人同名品牌的最新设计。如今14岁的Cecilia Cassini已经小有名气并且交了很多有名人朋友 (比如Taylor Swift、Miley Cyrus) ,也经常参加各种红毯派对。她个人品牌的服饰也已经可以在圣莫妮卡的Fred Segal买到。“别人Party才敢穿的衣服,就是我上学时的日常着装。”Cecilia Cassini骄傲地说。看来这位小小设计师还有成为It Girl的潜质。

姓名:Isabella Rose Taylor 年龄:12岁 品牌:Isabella Rose Taylor
来自德克萨斯的女孩Isabella Rose Taylor是这些小小设计师中最具专业精神的一位!9岁起,她就知道设计的灵感须来自“色彩、形状、诗意、旅行和周围的美丽事物”。她的个人同名品牌处女秀亮相2012年9月份的Austion时装周,并赢得了当年的“明日之星”大奖。“我认为通向成功需要热血、汗水和梦想。”——这句话出自一个12岁女孩口中是不是很励志?

姓名:Courtney Allegra 年龄:16岁 品牌:Courtney Allegra
16岁的圣地亚哥女孩Courtney Allegra从12岁开始学习时装设计,15岁就携个人作品登上了2012年好莱坞顶级设计师盛事的T台。如今这位16岁的女老板,一边从事设计一边为个人品牌充当模特和代言人,十分敬业卖力!Courtney Allegra除了开设实体店外也已经涉足电子商务,事业蒸蒸日上。

Friday, January 17, 2014

La Perla

La Perla is an Italian clothing company specializing in lingerie.

La Perla was founded in 1954 by corset-maker Ada Masotti, in Bologna, Italy. The company began manufacturing swimwear in 1971. La Perla opened boutiques in 1991, in Milan and Paris. In 1993, La Perla expanded into perfume, with a perfume bottle designed by Pierre Dinand.

La Perla expanded into India in 2007. In July 2007 JH Partners LLC, a private equity firm, acquired a 70 percent stake in La Perla. In October 2007 JH Partners LLC acquired the remaining 30 percent of the La Perla Group from a firm run by the founding Masoti family called Nute Partecipazioni.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sports Illustrated swimsuit model: Christie Brinkley (now age 59 and still stunning!)

  • BornFebruary 2, 1954 (age 59), Monroe, MI

  • Height5' 9" (1.75 m)

  • SpousePeter Cook (m. 1996–2008)More

  • Christie Brinkley (born Christie Lee Hudson; February 2, 1954) is an American model and actress. Brinkley gained worldwide fame beginning in the late 1970s with three consecutive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers through 1981. She spent twenty five years as the face of CoverGirl (the longest running cosmetics contract of any model in history), has appeared on over 500 magazine covers, and has signed contracts with major brands—both fashion and non-fashion.
    Brinkley went on to work as a film actress, illustrator, television personality, photographer, writer, and designer, and as an activist for human and animal rights and the environment.
    Brinkley has been married four times, most notably to musician Billy Joel, several of whose music videos she appeared in. Her fourth marriage, to architect Peter Cook, ended in a much-publicized 2008 divorce.
    With a career spanning more than three decades, magazines such as AllurePlayboy, and Men's Health have named Brinkley one of the most attractive women of all time. Her financial holdings in 2008 were worth an estimated USD $80 million, primarily as the owner of real estate. In February 2012 she was ranked third in the Daily Mail list "World's 20 richest models."

    Thursday, January 9, 2014

    Beautiful Chinese traditional dress: Qi Pao

    I love this picture: beautiful and elegant Chinese traditional dress: Qi Pao

    Monday, January 6, 2014

    Vintage Victoria’s Secret catalog (70's and 80's)

    I spent almost an hour and found these vintage Victoria’s Secret catalog. I am obsessed with these pictures! :)